Before I begin, non-Tamils, never mind translating the title of the post....
The thing I consider the most refreshing when alone, is my jaywalk.Jaywalk accompanied with the weirdest thoughts is a habit of mine which I developed(say discovered) quiet recently.On one such fine walk along the roadside from a super-market to my flats,the idle mind started freaking with a strange thought

C'mon why should I ,it's not that isn't the right age, if not now then when",I was trying to defend my desperation. Thoughts of such kind or much worse were striking my head all through the way to home. But that particular query was stinging me like anything.I thought why should I not give a try to curb my instant feelings that protrude on seeing beautiful these girls(gujilis)

The D'day I decided not to eye any girl by any means, avoid my deep sighs when I see any cute girls with their boyfriends and even control my eyeballs rolling in search of gujilis in cafeteria. Believe me to eye a girl without her or others noticing is more difficult than practising meditation Desperate, that's the fascination which keeps us running towards desire. That day was awe-strucking starting with a flier, I was fresh from bed as early as 6 am, a resolution I managed so late to keep it up.To my surprise even my newspaper was earlier than me at my doorstep.After gazing through the newspaper, I hit my shower straight up. I felt fresh which I haven't felt the same way since long time. I peeped through my balcony to see people abuzz with their routine activities.My heart was all pumped-up to have a day without any thoughts on the opposite sex. In my "Lord of the Streets" I roared through the streets towards my office.
And the next 60 minutes was at gym in office shedding out quite a few calories.I haven't even thought of noticing the girls gymming there.Then , finally I was at my desk 9.30 am sharp.

I was fully into my coding stuff, with my mind as blank as it could be, finishing off a piece of code, that I kept postponing thinking it difficult.Then was the lunch at cafeteria with my team. We were talking about topics ranging from changing the caterer to the speech by Barrack Obama on Outsourcing.Of course there were talks about the passing by female colleagues,in which I refrained myself from indulging.But obviously I was listening to their comments.The afternoons which are presumably dull, was exciting that day since I was knocking down by code bugs, just like that.Then it was about late to start home.Hold on, I recapped the day, the one thing that was dominating the whole day was that I felt felicitous and improved concentration. The conclusion cannot be so precise that girls were not the only factor of my distraction.But I can say for sure they constitute a major part in it.
Reaching home, on my couch I was having some deep thoughts.Why is that boys always go back of girls. Of course opposite attracts.

Some try to show-off that they are smart and some have this weird belief that girls consider stupid guys as cute. Intelligence to innocence, being introvert to extrovert, being classy to messy, strong to weak ...anything and everything, every guy has own strategy. I don't know who came up with this quote "Everything is fair in love and war", he (not she) must probably have been one of them. I don't know why guys fail to understand that girls are smart enough to understand all these and why would not they? Even before they realize that they are "girls", guys start hitting on them, one after the other, day and night, not allowing them even to breathe properly.
After reading till here some of you might be in dilemma whether you are really desperate or not. It's very easy to come to a conclusion. Take a paper and answer the following questions in Yes or No
1. Whenever you see a girl walking on the road ahead of you, Do you increase your walking speed, walk past her and then turn back to see her face?
2. Do you become very conscious about what you are talking, when you are around with girls?
3. Do you try to be cool or someone else in order to impress girls?
4. Do you think staying clam or moody when in a group makes the girl think about you?

6. Do you keep staring at girls?
7. Are you ready to date a girl even if she is around with someone else as well?
8. Is "Girls" the main topic of all your discussions with your friends?
If you find even a single "YES" in the paper then YOU ARE DESPERATE. Be a man, accept it.
Now the real question "What not to do when you are desperate about having a girl friend?"Did you actually believe that I would come up with some solution or tips? Had I known it, would I be still single?
The rule is simple, "No one in this world cares for a thing that is easily gettable" and FYI girls are never worried about finding a guy and why do they have to? Did you ever come across a girl who never had a BF or never been proposed by a guy? If yes, then that's a miracle, you met a rare species or an extinct one in this world.
We know that we are the ones who make the girls realize that they are important, treat them as if they are precious, tell them that they are beautiful and show that they are in demand. We buy them gifts, spend all the money we have, do their work, roam around with them all the time, carry their stuff and in the end what do we get in return? a few thanks and an offer to be a good friend. Do we need all this? If 1/1000 th of the time wasted on a girl is spent on a guy you will find a friend for a lifetime.

I dream of a day when guys are in demand and girls start worrying about finding a guy. I hope the day comes soon.
P.S.: To the girls: If you think that some guy is crazy about you and trying hard to impress you, please tell him immediately if you are not interested.