Not-so-sure Girls...!!!

When I was thinking over this topic, I knew what I was writing about. But then, when I wrote it all, I wasn’t sure!

You can’t be!

When you are thinking about a girl, you are never sure!! Well, ‘thinking’ is just one thing.

You are not sure even when you write,talk, listen, read, drink, eat, watch,breathe etc about girls.

Oh! Oh! I’m even not sure about how to do half of the things I mentioned above.!!

But then, as boys are, I tried to be sure. So, I tried to do some ‘research’. I wonder if all the boys do it but I am sure that they all will agree on this.

I got to know that, it’s not only the boys who are not sure about girls. Instead, the reasearch in itself gave me a reason. The conclusion of the research was very funny but, as a matter of fact, is true.

Let me be SURE about this that i’m not accusing anyone here.
It is what it is!!!

And the other person not sure about a girl is, off course,without doubt, the girl herself..!! :O

Want some proof!! I got it for you.

* You want a guy to be serious for you, if at all, but when a guy happens to be, he is IGNORED.

* And if you say you are the other type, why then when a guy flirts or tries to flirt, you go ‘ eeeEEEWWWWW!! How cheap..!!’

* Keep on cursing the boys. ‘Boys are this,boys are that and all of them are the same.’But then why always end up dating a guy?This above fact might not be true for the dating thing, but for sure every girl starts liking a guy one day..!
Or may be not…
You know what I mean..?

* Confused, if someone asks something. I mean when it is not thought of.Lets take an example. And this is a real life example, not including me.

‘Hey Riya! I needed to talk.’

‘Yeah Rahul. Say it.’

‘Well,umm…I love you.’

‘Oh!’ Now what to say? :O

After few seconds of being in a shock and not even thinking about what to say,she opens up again.

‘I…I’msorry Rahul,but I never thought about you like that.’ So think!!When do you really do that??!!??

After some time, when the boy is ignored for a few days, the girls actually realizes the truth. She actually doesn’t like ignoring him! But , instead, she likes him!
So, she finds a suitable situation, she finally talks to him.

‘ HEy Rahul?’

‘ I wonder if I should say this or not….’ still not sure..? ‘…but, I wanted to tell this to you.’

‘yes Riya…go on.’

‘Ilove you too.’

But you may still say, “It was a happy ending afterall.”

Well, yes. But life would be a little less miserable for everyone,if you be sure.
I say everyone, because even boys would feel better.

To say the least, it’s not unknown, that boys have a tendency to think about girls. Yes , we think about you, but we are sure about what we are thinking about you, what our feelings are, but not about what you think.

And to end it, as every girl realizes in the end(I suppose!), not every guy is same as no girl is..!

Ode to "Not-So-Nice Spirit"

I'm in this dark hole now. It's pretty though. It's the prettiest thing in my world right now. No light. Just sheer darkness and me. It's all good. Something keeps me wanting to live amidst all the chaos, all this death. No noise. No light. No clutter. No racing. No tears. No smiles. No one to let you down. No one to give you glory. No friends, therefore no enemies. Life in it's purest form, sitting right beside me, saying nothing, doing nothing...just being itself giving me silent glances, yet not beckoning me to do anything. Life and me, staring at the walls. No need to cry. No need to ask. No need to validate my thoughts. Not the faintest need to be acknowledged either. Not the smallest want to be wanted. I'm quite content with my beliefs that they need to be neither approved nor validated. I don't need your salutations either for they don't do anything to me anymore. I'm on the most content road ever. Im back in my mother's womb. I'm fresh and unaffected. Humans are programmed to receive. But in that reception lives a huge lie. A giant fake. A humungous disappointment. Cos nothing is really forever. Nothing can be kept with you unless it's given to you by YOU. Everything else is temporary. People, friends, words, promises, gifts, bonds...everything is nothing. They will all be consumed by Time and Nature some day. Is there something that won't be swallowed by Time? Is there something that won't be forsaken by a mere plethora of Expectations? The sense of peace I feel right now is surreal. One I never felt before. A territory I dared not tread before. It's amazing. I no longer suffer from the need to make or have friends. I'm quite 'blissed' out here. No one knows what they are here for, or the wheres or whys. No one cares what you have to say. There are echoes from a distant past, and I see lips moving...but nothing can really be heard in this dark hole. And it's good. I have forgotten to smile but I have forgotten to cry too. I don't remember your name but I remember your face. In this nothingness lies a real sense of peace. Once you're broken beyond repair, that's when you realise your full potential, your purest form, yourself. Until you're 'broken' you will never really know what it is to live without will never really learn to live as 'you'. I'm somewhere between life and death, but I'm not with you. In utero I shall remain.
- An ode to my broken spirit