It was not a partying sort of a start that I had this time. I kept it so simple, rather it happened itself and I had no choice. I was alone at home, the first of its kind I have ever had. It was quite cool, I would say. I was browsing through TV channels recapping the year that was/wasn't.Whatever.

As usual I jotted down on my dos and don'ts for the year.Yes, resolutions. This time I was a little serious, I don't know why but.Also this time the so-called resolutions were a quite a lot in number.Not divulging much on my resolution-list, the one resolution I am keeping up till date, is hitting the gym three times a week. Yes, the six-packs fever. Truly, that was not my motive but to feel and look young.
So content to the post, let me take you through my 2009 , A year that was/wasn't.
January :
The repercussions of the recession was still on and still I was there with no idea about that.There came the Pongal and I flew down to Tuticorin for the first time.Had a good time with friends. Dad warned me about that this could be my last trip here, since he was planning for a shift over, which I thought would never happen.So flying back again to Hyderabad, I found that my office was moved out from Ascendas IT Park to CA's own building in Gachibowli. My reaction to this was a kinda mixed. I would miss some good food(choice of having a variety amidst the crappy food) and girls of course. The happy part was I could stay close and be updated on the happenings in my own corporate.
February :
Settling down on the new workplace, I found that fanfare here in this place was quite missing or low.So moving on there was not much to update on this month except trip to aunt's place in Bangalore.
March :
The month I was waiting for.Yeah I was eying to own the "Lord of the Streets" for myself.I can still remember the date.
April :
So there I was planning to make a visit Tuticorin for the one last time, as a resident of TAC Pvt Ltd. More than 4 GB of photographs taken so that I don't miss much of my memories out there.April 12, Tuticorin Airport. Adieu to a place that gave me everything since childhood. Then, there was me back at my desk staring at my monitor. The flashing of my past days in TAC, was frequenting me more often.
May :
Keeping aside everything, I was into some serious stuff at work.For a period I even forgot my home.Mom said that the new place is cool and that I would surely like it. I wasn't much bothered about that. Software job was catching up on me, which I never realized that time.
June-July :
Bugs, Issues, Errors, Fix it. The words that I heard a lot in this period.The QA cycles were on. There were demands for some weekend-working as well. But I didn't complain since I have not much to do other than this.Amidst these, a trip to Delhi was on the cards with a school-time friend. I was game for it as I had to catch up with some oxygen from outside as well. Dates finalized, tickets booked and everything set.
August :
Aug 15,I made my first trip to my new found home in Mettur, owing to a lot of
compulsion from Mom. I was thrilled. A place close to nature, famous Mettur Dam which can be seen even from the terrace of my new home. I was convincing myself, that
here is where I have to come to visit my Dad for the next eight years until he retires.
September :
Touched-down Hyderabad, back again with the bugs, after a chill out. Again job was getting onto me. Adding insult to the injury, laptop motherboard crashed just weeks before its second anniversary.Frustrated, confused as getting it repaired just pulled the s*** out of me.
October-November :
No laptop, just TV when I get back home. I was trying my hand at different things. Reading, a habit that I haven't developed since long. Chetan Bhagat's "5 Point Someone", "2 States" at a stretch.In the motive to regain back my looks, underwent laser surgery.It was quite a experience.No local anesthesia, first time operation theatre, hardly 10 minutes that took. Then there was me saying "Good bye to the spectacles that presented me as whizz guy for nearly 2 years".Thanks to the doctor, who handled me with much care. Switching Back, Hyderabad-Sweet Surprise, one more good-old school friend, Vignesh. He moved in with me as he got himself posted here after some tiresome training.
December :
Days moved as I was introducing Vignesh to the city. Lumbini Park, Speed Boat ride, Hyd Central, GVK One, City Centre. I took him to the most happening places. Long time pending treat of his for no reason at "Water Front".Ambassamudram, Grandpa's place-A trip was planned at the end of the month.Flew down(I know this is too much for me to fly again with alternatives around) to Bangalore and a road trip to Ambas, the first of its kind.
2009 Signed Off...
A year that can be marked as one another turning point in my journey called life.Hope I didn't bore you off too much.Stepping into "2010". But this time, I made sure "no resolutions" and to be spontaneous.