Before that, I was in sanity while writing this.(Pun Intended). I don't like preaching values and even to force my views on others.
Disclaimer: If you feel , that any of the truths below contradicts you or your opinions let us dwell upon that and come to a conclusion.
1. Growing as a boy, everybody around seems to be good and nice.
2. A boy and a girl can't be just friends unless the girl is unattractive.
3. They say charity begins at home. Not just that selfishness too starts from there.
4. Any deed, be it any situation,the first thing that pops up in one's mind is "What can I get out for myself from this?"

5. The whole perception of life is based on confusion at every stage of life.
6. The value of anything is felt , when it is not easily attainable.
7. Love , In high school- just attraction, In Graduate School - Influence of class movies centered around the "IT".
8. At difficult times, even GOD is seemed to be one-sided and we ask "God, why me?"
9. Truly no girl can be as beautiful as one's lovely Mom.
10. "Don't" is what makes one push at many a times to do "the-don't" one time atleast.
11. When do we inspire people,not just for their actions. It is when we dream like being/living like them.
12. Heart is sensitive, but brain is sensible. Let me make it more clear, heart falls for things/persons but brain anticipates the aftermath of the fall.
13. Critic, always present within, pops out most of the time due to jealousy.
14. Whatever be the genre, there is always a song that has already been composed by A.R.Rahman.
15. Now-a-days , the difficult question to answer is " When was the last time I have been myself? ". Because in the name of transformation , we have to wear a lot number of masks for the sake of the society, workplace rather to maintain the personality.

16. Justice delayed is Justice denied. It is not just that, "Delay in proposing a girl most of the time ends up in being denied". The more the time you take to propose a girl is proportional to square of the possibilty she being commited to the one other. It is more haunting, when the one other becomes your friend..(Pun Intended).
17. The essentiality of anything is realized, only after it goes out of hand.
18. Life as progresses limits the choices available.
19. Being perfect and expecting others to be likewise are mutually exclusive, they don't go hand-in-hand.
20. Most of the time, what we want remains a puzzle.(Atleast stands true with me)
21. Apologizing - takes a lot of strength and courage.
22. "Only I know" attitude is start of the one's doom.
23. The one best lesson life is learnt only when betrayed and get kicked on the butt.
24. "I have had enough" does not apply to money,material possessions and desires.(Leave out the Godmen for God's sake.)
25. Last but not the least, Write a blog and you feel like you are preaching the