Some Murphy's Laws

Murphy was a great philosopher who gave many laws regarding our daily lives. Most of them are very humourous, but still contain a few unsaid facts of life.

I’ve compiled some of them whom I thought are the funniest. Its absolutely not my creation, but copied shamelessly from an external source.This was done to share the thoughts and to make everyone grin.


All the good ones are taken.
If the person isn’t taken, there’s a reason.
It’s always easier to get a partner if you already have one.
Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant. This constant is always zero.
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn’t love her.
The man shalt not win the argument he started.
The man shalt not win the argument he didn’t start.
If a man won an argument, it was just in his head.
Money can’t buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.


If its raining, or cold or both the bus will be late.
If you’re running late the bus will be too
If you have no change then the bus driver won’t have any either
Whenever you get a seat with a pretty girl, she will start a cell phone conversation about her Boyfriend or Mothers hospital operation.


The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time, the last 10% takes the other 90% of the time.
The boss is always right.
The last person that quit or was fired will be the one held responsible for everything that goes wrong - until the next person quits or is fired.
People don’t make the same mistake twice, they make it three, four, or five times.
When you don’t know what to do, walk fast and look worried.


Sex is a three-letter word which needs some old-fashioned four-letter words to convey its full meaning.
Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won’t either.
Love is a matter of chemistry, sex is a matter of physics.
Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation; the other eight are unimportant.
There may be some things better than sex, and some things worse than sex. But there is nothing exactly like it.

PS — All these are shamelessly copied from somewhere.;)

PS — Yeh, but still had to work hard ( for finding the source, and choosing the best ones.)

Hugs for Free..!!

The first thing I said when I came to know about "Free Hugs" Wow..What a concept..!!Ofcourse I was not aware of the social cause behind it. On the lighter sense, seeing somebody with the sign board saying "Sometimes a hug is all what we need! *Hugs*Free Hugs" people with traditional roots will claim that youngsters of today are trying to upset the social applecart. The other side of the coin, the youngsters take chance to have hugs from the opposite sex. C'mon Opposite attracts ,never can this attraction towards the other gender be upset either. Imagine ,you get banged by the beauty of the girl who you just saw in some multiplex or a mall , somewhere and give a hard sigh saying Will she be mine? The next moment you find her coming at you with the Free Hugs board. There you have your defining moment, for a second you feel God, fate everything on your side.That doesn't stop there. Take up the board yourself get your hugs and give back either. That's the spirit...God I am having my day...

On a serious note,as known Juan Mann of Australia who started this Free Hug Campaign. Loneliness and Depression were that factors that gave him this psychological and emotional idea. This is an obvious situation that occurs in the path of everybody's life.A hug at that juncture providing the warmth, rising the confidence is worth more than millions of bugs.This campaign is about many things which is not just having fun and being joyful but, like making someone’s day a little brighter, meeting people and showing the world that strangers aren’t so bad after all. It’s also about bringing people together and sharing a happy moment before heading back out into the world feeling a little lighter.

When sadness and feeling alone in the world engulf one's mind, a hug helps to talk to people, to share a laugh with someone, to see someone smile at you, to have somebody wrap their arms around you and reassure you that everything will be alright.

Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven’t compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.

No discrimination of any sort. Willing to give free hugs to make you feel happy and make your day a pleasant one. If you live the concept, you can distribute free hugs to one and all, willing to accept a warm friendly hug. So hug someone today and make him happy for when you hug him, he will forget his worries (atleast for some time). BEWARE, this is highly INFECTIOUS and can have serious consequences (making the world smile).

So go ahead and start hugging (all those willing to accept them).


People who haven't understood you in years.. won't be able to do so ever.. so its better to get rid of them and move on with life..

There is no good in hurting yourself just coz you don't want them to feel bad.. after all you're not here to entertain them..

It may sound selfish.. but best for one at times.. nothing is more important than your own peace of mind..

Gaining Distance Losing Proximity

Everything in life is about Distance. You get too close you'll suffer or you'll suffocate another. You get too far you'll miss out or you'll hurt another. Maintaining the perfect distance in relationships and everything else is quite a daunting and difficult task. Cos everytime I tried to get closer to someone or something (closer than before), I have been slapped hard on my face. On the contrary, everytime I distanced myself from someone or something (just to keep my emotions safe), I have often felt lonely and lost, or have been mistaken as arrogant and proud. So what is the perfect distance then? Actually there's no perfect distance. Just be. Cos that perfect distance varies from person to person. There's no single definition for it. I tried to keep away from people...distanced myself from many of my friends here...I stretched the distance as much as I could. I ran an emotional marathon, trying to gain more and more 'kilometres' away from it all. But the distance that I had gone was only physical...mentally I wasn't one mile more away from this place. The physical miles I've collected on my run were empty and poor...cos there was no one to applaud and no one to give me a bottle of water half way through my run...cos I was only running a lonesome marathon. I learnt my lesson the hard way.

On the other hand, Closeness or proximity is not something that everyone can give or feel. But Distance is a term most people are used to and know of. Proximity is not for everyone cos not everyone knows how to connect emotionally and stay connected that way. So they choose to keep a 'distance' instead. While we all need to keep a healthy distance from everyone in our lives and in any relationship, always remember that keeping a distance does not mean there should be no 'proximity' at all. If you don't know how to keep a healthy distance (space) as well as maintain a good proximity (closeness) in a relationship, then it's time you take a good look at your inner self...for if your life is all distance and no proximity, then all the marathons you've been running are in vain...for all the physical miles you've gained so far are empty and poor in quality. In winning the marathon, you've lost in life. If you can't connect closely with people yet keep a healthy distance, if you're running away from it all, if you're afraid of what's to come, if you wanna end it all even before it's over, then you're running an empty race. For what's the purpose in gaining mileage if there's no one to stop and say Hi to?