Everything in life is about Distance. You get too close you'll suffer or you'll suffocate another. You get too far you'll miss out or you'll hurt another. Maintaining the perfect distance in relationships and everything else is quite a daunting and difficult task. Cos everytime I tried to get closer to someone or something (closer than before), I have been slapped hard on my face. On the contrary, everytime I distanced myself from someone or something (just to keep my emotions safe), I have often felt lonely and lost, or have been mistaken as arrogant and proud. So what is the perfect distance then? Actually there's no perfect distance. Just be. Cos that perfect distance varies from person to person. There's no single definition for it. I tried to keep away from people...distanced myself from many of my friends here...I stretched the distance as much as I could. I ran an emotional marathon,

On the other hand, Closeness or proximity is not something that everyone can give or feel. But Distance is a term most people are used to and know of. Proximity is not for everyone cos not everyone knows how to connect emotionally and stay connected that way. So they choose to keep a 'distance' instead. While we all need to keep a healthy distance from everyone in our lives and in any relationship, always remember that keeping a distance does not mean there should be no 'proximity' at all. If you don't know how to keep a healthy distance (space) as well as maintain a good proximity (closeness) in a relationship, then it's time you take a good look at your inner self...for if your life is all distance and no proximity, then all the marathons you've been running are in vain...for all the physical miles you've gained so far are empty and poor in quality. In winning the marathon, you've lost in life. If you can't connect closely with people yet keep a healthy distance, if you're running away from it all, if you're afraid of what's to come, if you wanna end it all even before it's over, then you're running an empty race. For what's the purpose in gaining mileage if there's no one to stop and say Hi to?
1 comment:
hey da... amazing...! i can see your maturity level from ur blogs. i guess u started thinking by prefering loneliness. anyways..! welcome to my world of extreme thinking :P
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