This span of a year started with me following the family jinx of wearing specs.
January 2nd - Boom start to the year, I landed up in a decent software company with the a good pay packet.My first job will remain close to my heart ever.
These were the days when I was glued to G-Chat for hours, working on the goddamn final year project, roaming around Chennai and straying the college campus since I would not have this student status after a while long.Annual Event of my college cultural, Department's techno-meet, late night walks on the platforms of college and more memories that could not be expressed in words will always linger in my heart.
Finally, the last lecture, the last time class-room sitting arrived.Deep inside my heart I was crying thinking of missing my studenthood,friends, college-a place which taught me maturity , responsibility and much more, it even depicted where I stand in a gang of intellects,geeks,enthusiasts,tech-savvies,jovials for that matter even bloopers.
As everybody do, I too made some good friends ,during the later stage of my college era who stood by during all times be it good or bad.The pranks we played on each other,late night fights with rival gang,midnight chai on the roadside,weekend bash at cineplexes,longing for xerox before the day of the exams,the no-worth chats on the college bund,cricket at the cramped space between the hostels,support for things they lent before I could ask ,even for the crushes on the opposite sex and much more which made a stamp of its own remains buried deep in heart longing for the good old days to get back that would never happen still.
The one last time appearing for a semester-exam.The late night studies,last minute brush ups, the stress, hunt for xerox copies for the next exam, examination hall....GOD!!! I am gonna miss this all..These make me to wish I had a rewind button so as to relive the moments I enjoyed the most and even things that I missed.
This is it..!! Everything finally arrives to an end. 21 Years of student-life reached its destiny.There was I , at the gates of the entrance of my college with my stuffs all packed up and for the one last time I turned back to see the college's main road with half-centenary old renowned department buildings on either sides.The road was like a carpet of yellow flowers that shed from the trees beside.That was like a gesture from it bidding adieu to me.
The next thing I remember was sitting on the couch of my living room of my home sweet home.After some long time finger licking food from mom's cuisine.My stomach was heavy so was my heart for a patch of time.Time, made me get used to things in the practical world.I had a very short time before I could get into the shoes of a professional.So I decided to visit my teachers in school and the friends of my batch from the school.So I just started gathering my batch for a dinner one last time for the life-time since everybody will have their own goals running towards them,when they will never have time to think of the school or the friends from it.
P.S:I confess that I had a little intention of meeting someone from school in particular,in arranging a get-together.

The D-day, JUNE 16 - The first day of my professional career, a bit nervous.I had to pass the Microsoft Building to reach my office.The infrastructure of my office was really stunning.New peers from colleges around India ,a big day for them too.We had a very welcome from the HR personnels.And then there was I in the training room with the Employee ID and my salary account opened.I got to know my peers during the brief period of training.It was a different experience totally.Its been a month since then,I was with some peers renting a flat whom from acquaintances turned to be some good pals.At the close of the training ,we had our first official outing to a resort at the outskirts of the city.A good time-pass and chilling feel after some hardcore training stuff.
My First Salary: That is quite a sum of money.I haven't handled so much of money ever before.I was confused what I would or should do with this, so I just transferred them all to my dad's account.Along with salary of the successive month, I bought loads of goodies for everybody in my family starting from my Dad,Mom,Bro,2 Aunties,grandpa and 2 cousin brothers.Obviously that did cost me quite a lot and at the end of the month I was back at square one asking pocket money from Dad.But spending for them is lot more than anything, after all I don't have anybody else to spend on and it's my first penny earned and that moment would not return back.
Now I am in the status of managing my Income Tax.I feel that is quite a great thing.So this year had made its mark on me.An year with so much emotions involved from heavy hearts to lighter moments.From days where we exchanged slam books to now exchanging Design Documents of projects, this has been a transformation to a different frontier.
Looking Back I come to know,I have come a long way and have still much more than the way I reached now to go.The search is still on for something to achieve or arrive at.I don't believe in destiny.What we do now reflects back in a different means.As of now I am living every moment with josh.I hope to continue this spirit as long as I could, if not atleast to the next year.I have realized that everything is bits and pieces of life.I can feel my maturity level high.All that I am seeking to is a great year ahead that would be another remark in everybody's life.I wish that the ecstasy will still continue towards bliss.
seems like u had an eventful year
wow..... u ve had great year i think....
wish u all sucess the forth coming year...
u made my heart light and sentimental by reminding those non-rewindable college days.
i didnt expect such beautiful words from you. only drawback with me is that i dont have patience to read such a lengthy post.. but u made me to read somehow... again i say, you are amazing.. your coming years will also be fruitful to you. i assure you that.
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