*Your looks wont be the same in 5yrs time
*Your yesterday's friends may not be here today
*What mattered to you last year may mean nothing to you this year
*You are not the person you were 10yrs ago
*You no longer believe in the same things you did ages ago
*People who were walking together with you may not be present in your life anymore
*Your job profile would have changed
*Your blogroll may have new names and the old ones must have been shed
*Your closet has a new dress/shirt/shoes
*Mum's making a new dish tonight
*Your Orkut account gets uploaded with new photos
*What you couldn't live without yesterday may be the very thing you're avoiding today
*You decide to take a new path in life
*The good times always seems to be in the past
*Old memories fade away as new ones are being made
*Someone you wanted so much in your life may no longer be your priority
*You replace your car tyres
*People no longer send hand-written letters
*You may have known someone called Arvind once upon a time...

Yes everything and everyone changes...and as things change around us, we too change to suit the circumstances...to fit in, to survive and to move on. Has anyone tried to live in the past? Past is a very big part of our Present...yet we cannot live in the Past. We just have to buck up and step into the Present, or else our Past may start to consume us. So, are you still clinging on to your past, that past love or that past beauty you possessed or that friend who was once in your life? Once you 'know' something(/someone) it can never be forgotten. But there's a difference between remembering and regretting. Do not regret. If something is no longer with you, it never was meant to be. If someone no longer wants you in their life, so be it. For nothing stays the same in life...not even you. You only have this MOMENT....so enjoy it. For there'll be a day when no more changes will take place in your life...when you won't be able to say or do anything, or even complain...and that'll be the day you breathe your last breath. So before that day comes around, live life to the fullest...get over petty issues...rise above all...be a trendsetter, not a follower...try to be kind, not superior...be happy anyways...be thankful for what you've got...share what you have more than others...put a smile on someone's face...be humble...help one another...be there for your mates...get over silly issues etc etc. Cos these are the changes you CAN make for yourself amidst the uncontrollable changes that Time does to you. Yes there are some changes that's within YOUR control too and that's what they are. Implement some changes in your soul...color the plain corners in...give it life and shine. Cos only you CAN do that CHANGE, and that is the only CHANGE in life that's within YOUR control. The rest don't matter much anyways.
1 comment:
enna CA effect ah ? --- Change always !!!
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